This is the haunting case of sisters Christine and Lèa Papin, who brutally murdered their wealthy employers in 1933. French authorities are still perplexed by their gruesome actions...insanity, class warfare, pent up anger.... are issues that disturb us to this day. Hold on tight for this ride back in time to France!
Christine & Léa Papin | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Insanity Or Class Warfare? The Gruesome Case Of The Papin Sisters
Papin Sisters: Why Christine & Léa murdered their employer | History 101
Christine and Léa Papin - Wikipedia
Hosted and edited by Amanda Scott
Co-Hosted, produced, researched, co-written and original graphic design by Pamela Scott
Original music by Waves Entertainment
Disclaimer by Chuck Haungs
ENMESHED is an OH NO! Production
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